The Moc Man


Today Form and Function‘s Justin Galicz let me photograph him.

He was looking extremely stylish in a blue and green plaid with khaki shorts. He added a braided belt, and my favorite part of the outfit, Urban Outfitters moccasins.

I really love his look because it is very Florida friendly. Although it is “fall,” he didn’t throw on layers or heavy clothing, so he wont smother himself for the sake of looking good. Light fabrics with longer sleeves help you stay warm when it’s chilly. He deviates from the normal basketball shorts and t-shirt look that most boys on campus go for.

A lot of guys on campus also go for the boat-style loafer shoes. It gets old fast when you see every other guy on campus wearing the exact same pair of Sperry’s. Rocking some moccasins changes up the uniformity of the style, but preserves the convenience of slip-ons.

You can tell there is not much work that went into the outfit. It’s very laid back, yet Justin managed to look clean and ready for the day. The bold tones compliment  each other and aren’t tacky. Most importantly, he looks very comfortable and confident.

I love a stylish young lad.

Always Deviate,


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